Step Forward Together

Step Forward Together

May was Mental Health Awareness Month, and this year, FEAP wanted to support our University's work to be a place where we knew it was okay and were comfortable talking about mental health. We called our initiative around this "Step Forward Together." FEAP intends to continue this initiative through the rest of 2024, adding additional resources, events, and information to this webpage.

Indeed, we all want to help each other, but it can be tricky to know what to say or do when someone is having a hard time with their mental health. This is why we are continuing with "Step Forward Together." The initiative aims to:

  • Teach us about the mental health support and resources we have
  • Help us feel like it's alright to reach out for mental health support
  • Show that having mental health struggles is normal and nothing to be ashamed of

Launching this initiative during Mental Health Awareness Month, we wanted to highlight the importance of mental well-being and encourage open conversations about mental health. Overall, the mission of "Step Forward Together" is for FEAP to break down stigma and nurture a mentally healthy culture at our University not just in May, but throughout the year.

Breaking Stigma & Building Hope

Find great resources to celebrate breaking stigma and building hope this Mental Health Awareness month as a part of Step Forward Together!

UVA Mental Health/Well-Being Resources

Mental health is a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn and work well, and contribute to their community (WHO, 2017). These resources below are here to support you and your mental health and well-being needs. We encourage you to check them out.

  • FEAP

    FEAP offers quality, professional, and comprehensive services, tailored to your individual needs. For employees and their families, we offer assessment, short-term counseling, referral, and follow-up at no cost to the employee for a wide variety of personal concerns. Our program is confidential.

    • Counseling Services
      • Most of the time we can handle life’s difficulties on our own. But, at times, the problems may seem a little overwhelming, and we don’t know where to turn. Asking for help is often difficult, but it is actually the first step in resolving the problem or finding effective ways to cope. FEAP is available for individual consultation and short term, focused counseling for a variety of personal issues and common concerns.
    • Prevention & Mental Health Awareness
      • Experiencing a multitude of stressors can adversely affect mental health. In response, we have expanded services aimed at preventing stress injury and illness. Through our prevention and mental health awareness services, we share expertise and education with individuals, teams, and the University community to help faculty and staff lead happier, healthier lives. Our offerings are designed to increase mental health awareness, reduce stigma, and boost resilience and emotional well-being, and may be personalized to meet your needs.

    • Crisis & Care Coordination
      • There are many factors influencing an individual's mental and emotional well-being, and some require an urgent response. FEAP services include a dedicated Crisis & Care Coordinator, who provides increased responsiveness to emergent individual and/or organizational needs.
        • For information and assistance:

          During business hours contact Rodney Diehl, FEAP Crisis Coordinator: 434.995.8305
          After hours call the FEAP office: 434.243.2643

    • Organizational Services
      • We provide management and organizational consultation on handling employee job performance issues and workplace concerns in accordance with your company policies and procedures.

    FEAP for You Portal

    These are resources available behind NetBage in support of your well-being.

    Schedule an Appointment

    To schedule an appointment, please use our appointment request form, linked below, or simply contact our office by phone: 434.243.2643 or email:

    Schedule an Appointment
  • Hoos Well

    We work to enhance the lives of all UVA employees by empowering them to maintain well-being in their strengths and make improvements in areas where they see a need for growth. We focus on assisting with four central categories of well-being: physical, financial, emotional, and social. When we feel healthy in these four areas, doing our best work and making the most of life is more manageable. Visit our "About Us" page by clicking here, or check out our webpages below:

    • Emotional Well-Being
      • We know that mental and emotional well-being is complicated, and everyone has different needs. We are excited to offer the programs and resources below as you find the ways that work for you to be happy and healthy in your personal and work life.
    • Financial Well Being
      • We understand the stress and anxiety that finances can bring, so we provide money management tools and training to help you improve your financial well-being. Whether you’ve been finding it challenging to navigate living within your means, understanding saving options, or managing surprise expenses—we are here to help.
    • Physical Well-Being
      • We’re thrilled you’re interested in learning new ways to integrate physical activity and nutrition into your lifestyle. Physical activity offers many benefits, such as enhancing memory, improving sleep quality, sharpening focus, and managing stress effectively. 
    • Social Well Being
      • We understand that juggling life's demands can sometimes make cultivating and nurturing meaningful relationships challenging. That's why we've curated a comprehensive set of resources to support you in strengthening your connections, fostering inclusivity, and finding the support you need within your meaningful relationships.

    Earn Hoos Well Rewards

    Hoos Well's earnings program is designed to acknowledge your dedication to your well-being and, in turn, thank you for your positive impact on the community. The Hoos Well portal, delivered by Virgin Pulse, is your hub for well-being and signs you up to receive earnings.

    Learn More about Hoos Well Earn Rewards Program
  • Additional Well-Being Resources