Boost Your Well-Being, Check out FEAP Step Forward Together Webpage

"Step Forward Together" is an ongoing initiative by FEAP at the University of Virginia to promote mental health awareness and support. Launched during Mental Health Awareness Month, it aims to break stigma, encourage open conversations, and provide resources year-round. The initiative highlights leadership's role in fostering well-being and offers tools for self-care.

The "Step Forward Together" webpage offers a variety of resources focused on mental health and well-being at the University of Virginia. Key features include:

  1. Mental Health Resources: Information about available support services like FEAP and Hoos Well.
  2. Monthly Well-Being Focus: Tips for leaders and employees on creating a mentally healthy workplace and promoting self-care.
  3. Ongoing Initiatives: Details on UVA's partnerships across different departments to strengthen mental health support.
  4. Educational Articles: Insights into mental health topics, such as the role of managers in fostering a healthy environment.
  5. Stigma Reduction: Encouragement to engage in open conversations about mental health and embrace well-being practices.
Visit SFT Webpage