Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness: Support For You

Mental Health Awareness

Mental health is a spectrum of experiences. Most of us experience some periods of diminishing mental health. Some cope with chronic illness. Even those who consider themselves to be mentally healthy, will notice some degree of fluctuation.


Facts to Know

  1. More people will experience mental health issues than not. In a 2021 Mental Health at Work report, 76% of full-time U.S. workers reported experiencing at least one symptom of a mental health condition in the past year.

  2. About one in five adults have a mental illness. According to the CDC, more than 50% of people in the United States are diagnosed with a mental health disorder during their lifetime.

  1. The development of mental health issues is complex and often includes biological and social factors.  Trauma experienced in any stage in life can impact our mental, emotional, and physical health. Reliable support systems and strong peer relationships, good coping skills, emotional self-regulation, optimism, and economic/financial security help to protect our mental health.

The workplace is a key environment for observing and responding to declining mental health. Because early detection and effective treatment lessen a mental health condition's severity and impact (NAMI, 2015), recognizing and responding to deteriorating mental health may make the difference in an employee’s life and work satisfaction -- and may even save a life.


Stigma can be defined as the actual, perceived, or anticipated negative views, attitudes, or treatment of individuals with a mental health challenge. At work, this can show up as viewing those with any sort of mental health challenge as weak, unpredictable, dangerous, or incapable.  Combating the stigma of mental health is critical. Research has shown that stigma discourages individuals from seeking support and treatment, and stigma itself can cause declines in mental health and physiological health like immune system functioning.

Allies Reduce Stigma

Culture can have a huge impact on reducing mental health stigma and we can all take specific actions every day to act as allies and reduce the stigma associated with mental health challenges. 

We Have Resources to Support You

  • FEAP

    FEAP offers assessment, short-term counseling, referral, and follow-up at no cost to the employee for a wide variety of personal concerns.

    Learn More about FEAP
  • Prevention & Mental Health Awareness

    Through our prevention and mental health awareness services, FEAP shares expertise and education with individuals, teams, and the University community to help faculty and staff lead happier, healthier lives.

    Explore FEAP's Prevention Services
  • Tune as You Go

    Tune as You Go resources offer strategies to promote sustainable wellness while working in highly stressful environments. Explore brief, guided exercises and practices to increase your sense of calm, focus, perspective, and rest.

    Explore Tune as You Go
  • Teladoc

    Offered through the UVA Health Plan, Teladoc offers you quick access to primary care physicians who can diagnose your health care concerns by phone, web, or mobile app. Teladoc providers include experienced therapists and psychiatrists who can prescribe and manage medications. Choose your therapist, pick a time that is convenient for you 7 days a week, and connect confidentially from wherever you’re most comfortable.

    Learn More About Teladoc