Critical Incidents

Supporting Recovery After Critical Incidents

Critical incidents can overwhelm coping mechanisms, impacting individuals, teams, and organizations. These events often extend beyond the workplace, affecting families and communities. A trauma-informed approach helps foster resilience, recovery, and stability. Leaders, managers, and colleagues play key roles in providing support during these challenging times. Explore this page for resources, tools, and strategies to guide teams through critical incidents and promote healing and well-being.

Supporting Colleagues When Traumatic Events Happen

Traumatic or adverse events can deeply affect us, bringing about a wide range of natural and expected feelings and experiences. There is no "right" or "wrong" way to feel, and the recovery process requires time, patience, and intentional effort. Read this article to learn more about how you can support your colleagues after a traumatic event.

Guidance for Leaders and Managers in Critical Incidents and Workplace Loss

Responding to Critical Incidents: A Comprehensive Guide for Leaders
Critical incidents in the workplace encompass any event with the power to overwhelm normal coping mechanisms. These can include traumatic losses, workplace accidents, natural disasters, acts of violence, or other emergencies.

Managing Workplace Loss
The death of a coworker is a profound event requiring thoughtful and compassionate leadership. Whether the loss occurs outside the workplace or as a result of a critical incident, it is helpful for leaders to tailor their response to the specific circumstances to guide their teams through grief, maintain stability, and foster resilience.

View the Critical Incident Response Booklet as a flipbook below (click on the full screen icon in the menu below to make it larger), or click on the PDF link.

Critical Incident Services

  • Crisis Consultation: Assessment, triage, participation in leader meetings, and development of response plan. 
  • Participation in Department Briefing: Provide brief education, tips and outline interventions available.
  • Psychological First Aid (PFA): Timely emotional and physical comfort, stress management, and connection to additional resources.
  • Structured Support: 1:1 FEAP support, resilience groups and guidance on long term recovery strategies. 

Critical Incident Response Booklet Download FEAP Critical Incident Card