FEAP is Here for You

When Times are Tough, FEAP is Here for You

The upcoming elections may bring significant stress and unease for many within our community. As political tensions escalate across the country, with heated debates and potential unrest surrounding key issues, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed. The uncertainty and emotional weight of the election can impact mental well-being, especially as people navigate discussions at work, in their personal lives, and on social media.

The Faculty and Employee Assistance Program (FEAP) acknowledges the importance of supporting faculty and staff during these challenging times. This message serves as a reminder that FEAP offers confidential, trauma-informed support services to help you manage stress, anxiety, and any emotional responses that may arise in the days surrounding the election.

FEAP West-Complex Post-Election Drop-in Support

FEAP West Complex 1300 Jefferson Park Avenue, Rm 1982

  • Wednesday, November 6 - 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

  • Thursday, November 7 - 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m,

  • Friday, November 8 – 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

FEAP Rest, Reset, & Restore Old Ivy Drop-In Support

50 Old Ivy Way 3rd floor

  • Tuesday, November 12 – 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Additional Well-Being Events

  • FEAP Virtual Walk & Talk with LaBarron

    Join FEAP Consultant LaBarron Burwell for mental health check-ins on the move--this is a unique opportunity to prioritize your well-being in a refreshing and supportive environment.

  • Practical Steps to Help Build Meaningful Socia Connections

    Join us for this reward-eligible webinar, part of the monthly series of emotional well-being webinars presented by FEAP and Hoos Well, and co-sponsored by the Office of the Provost's Faculty Guide program. The Surgeon General has declared loneliness a public health epidemic given how widespread the experience is and the challenges of establishing strong social connections. While there are no easy answers to this complex problem, this talk will discuss practical steps to increase the likelihood you can make new, meaningful connections and deepen existing relationships. We’ll consider ways to manage the common fears of being evaluated negatively when 'putting yourself out there' and ways to overcome the tendency to withdraw and avoid social connection opportunities.

    Register Today
  • Kultivate Konnection: Come for the Kulture, Stay for the Konnection!

    Facilitation of racial healing. Drop in on the first Thursday of each month for a 60-minute emotional wellness break for those who identify as Black, Indigenous, or a Person of Color (BIPOC) . Join us in a space that facilitates healing of race-based trauma through a connection with colleagues, shared experiences, and the cultivation of a sense of authenticity and kinship. Share and learn strategies for challenges you are facing and feel uplifted in a welcoming and soulful environment.

    Register Now
  • Read October Tip of the Month

    As elections approach, stress levels among Americans can significantly increase, impacting our interactions and sense of community. Join FEAP Consultant Adele Logan O'Keefe in exploring how we can navigate these challenging times through open dialogue and mental health support.

    Maintaining Our Center & Managing Stress in Times of Uncertainty
  • Connect for Support - Nov 13

    Join a 30 minute drop-in session to check-in with colleagues, share strategies for challenges you are facing, and discover resources available to help. It works best if you are able to have your camera on and talk in the session.

    Register for Session

FEAP is a Confidential Resource

FEAP recognizes that the upcoming Election Day may bring heightened stress, anxiety, and uncertainty for many faculty and staff. The intensity of political discourse, potential conflict, and emotional challenges around this pivotal event can leave individuals feeling overwhelmed and in need of support. We want to assure you that when you reach out to FEAP for assistance during this time, your privacy and confidentiality will be protected.

For nearly 30 years, FEAP has served as a trusted, confidential resource for faculty and staff, understanding that confidentiality is essential to our mission. We are here to provide a safe space where you can process your thoughts, emotions, and experiences related to the election or any other issue without fear of judgment or repercussions. If you have any questions about our confidentiality policies or how we can support you through this period, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

FEAP Offers Trauma-Informed Care

We recognize that the upcoming Election Day may cause significant stress and distress for many in our community. Even if you are not directly involved in political discussions or events, the intense atmosphere surrounding elections can affect your mental health and well-being.

Stress can be experienced both directly and vicariously. Encounters with political conflict, exposure to divisive rhetoric, or witnessing tense or confrontational events—whether in person or through the media—can profoundly impact our emotional state, disrupt our sense of safety, and affect our ability to function in daily life.

FEAP offers trauma-informed assessment and short-term counseling services for employees facing immediate stress or experiencing past distress that is now interfering with their daily well-being. Stress reactions to challenging or overwhelming events are normal responses to difficult circumstances.

While everyone responds to stress differently, some common symptoms include:

  • Inability to remember parts of the traumatic event
  • Intrusive, upsetting memories of the event
  • Flashbacks (feeling like the event is happening again)
  • Irritability or outbursts of anger
  • Hypervigilance (on constant alert)
  • Difficulty falling or staying asleep
  • Nightmares
  • Feeling intense distress when reminded of the trauma
  • Intense physical reactions like pounding heart, sweating, nausea
  • Avoiding activities, places, or thoughts that remind you of the trauma
  • Feeling detached from others and emotionally numb

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, FEAP's trauma services can provide education about natural trauma reactions, support resiliency, and encourage the use of healthy coping skills. The sooner symptoms are recognized and addressed, the easier it may be to overcome them. FEAP trauma services support stabilization and promote healing. We can also connect you with community resources.

Please reach out to us for help in processing your experiences and reactions.

FEAP is Here for You

It's important to remember that you don't have to face these challenges alone. FEAP is here to support all faculty and staff, regardless of your role, background, or personal beliefs about this election

Most of the time, we can handle life's difficulties on our own, yet sometimes the weight of our reactions and the broader implications of some life events can feel overwhelming. Asking for help in these moments is a sign of strength and self-awareness, not weakness. It's an essential first step in working through your challenges and finding effective ways to cope and heal.

FEAP is available for individual consultation and short-term, focused counseling for all faculty and staff seeking support in navigating the impact of the recent events on Grounds or any other personal issues and concerns. Whether you need a safe space to process your emotions, guidance on supporting students or colleagues, or help developing self-care strategies, FEAP is here to listen and provide resources tailored to your unique needs and perspective.

Our counselors understand that everyone's experiences and reactions are valid and worthy of care and attention. We are committed to creating an inclusive, non-judgmental environment where all faculty and staff can feel heard, respected, and supported. Regardless of your role at UVA or your personal views on the social and political issues at play, FEAP is here to help you find healthy ways to cope, communicate, and contribute to the well-being of yourself and the community.

If you're struggling, please don't hesitate to reach out to FEAP. We are here for you, ready to listen, support, and help you find a way forward. Together, we can work towards healing, understanding, and resilience for all members of our diverse UVA community.

Learn More about FEAP Confidentiality Learn More About FEAP Trauma-Informed Care Learn More About Confidentiality