Positive Psychology

Positive Psychology

Positive Psychology is a growing field that explores human flourishing and how to help achieve that in one’s life through scientific research and real-world application.

The field in part studies happiness but also encompasses exploring strengths and virtues that allow people and communities to thrive. Meaning and purpose play an important role in successfully navigating that journey. 

The PERMA model for flourishing was developed by Dr. Martin Seligman from the University of Pennsylvania. V for Vitality (Physical Health and Wellness) was added by Emiliya Zhivotovskaya and Louis Alloro, founders of the Flourishing Center and Certified Program in Applied Positive Psychology.

Gratitude is an area of Positive Psychology with over 11,000 pieces of research studying the efficacy of this simple, yet powerful practice. Watch this short video to learn how to do a simple gratitude practice to start building your positive emotions.

A FEAP counseling with a Positive Psychology Practitioner can provide you with information on the field of Positive Psychology and how you can learn to thrive more in your life. FEAP can also provide seminars on Positive Psychology, like Cultivating a Positive Mindset and Wired for Happiness.


Learn a simple gratitude practice with Mary Sherman, LCSW, CEAP


Learn the power of your mindset with Mary Sherman, LCSW, CEAP