Finding Joy in Everyday Life

Joy escapes us when we rush mindlessly from one task to the next. This is because joy is a present moment experience that we cultivate when we slow down to connect to the here and now. Mindfulness practice helps us focus our attention and savor what is happening in the moment, opening us up to experience joy. In this reward-eligible webinar, you will learn how to shift your mindset to be more present and build mindfulness skills that help you find joy in everyday activities.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand how learning to be in the moment can foster greater happiness in your life.
  2. See how focusing on just one thing can bring joy to an otherwise mundane task.
  3. Learn how apply mindfulness to bring everyday joy to all your activities.

This webinar will launch the 2023 Hoos Well 1% Challenge in eM Life. UVA employees and their enrolled spouses on the UVA or UPG Health Plan can earn a $50 reward by practicing 14 minutes (1% of a day) in live or on-demand sessions in eM Life for at least 25 days during the 40-day challenge period. There will be a raffle for a Fitbit during this webinar! Upon starting the Hoos Well 1% Challenge, you’ll receive a 7 Day Mindful Movement Guide with exclusive movement videos and content to help you find joy in everyday activities.

About Your Presenter

Alisha Aum has committed herself to helping people reconnect with their innate healing ability, wisdom and vitality.

Alisha has been a practitioner of meditation and yoga for over 20 years, exploring several different traditions and practices over the years. She also had a successful career as a Business Operations professional in the IT industry for over 15 years living and working in India, Dubai, Australia and the US since 2008. Due to a health crisis in 2009 that could not be resolved through conventional medicine, Alisha quit her career and rediscovered Mindfulness as a path towards recovery of her physical and emotional health.

Inspired and motivated by her first-hand experience in the healing power of Mindfulness practices, particularly for PTSD and chronic pain, she pursued further training at the Center for Mindfulness, UMass Medical School by completing 2 levels of practicum and the Teachers Development Intensive in teaching Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Programs.

The University of Virginia is committed to providing universal access to all of our events. Please contact us at least seven days prior to the start of this event, to request disability-related accommodations.


Register for webinar, Tuesday, September 19 at 3:30 pm