Alcohol and Other Drugs

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Support for Substance Use, Gambling, and other Addictions

Addictive behaviors, including substance use, gambling, and tobacco dependence, can impact not only personal health and happiness but also the well-being of those around us. Recognizing the challenge of overcoming these habits, FEAP provides confidential, evidence-based support to help individuals regain control and build a healthier future.

Understanding Addiction and Recovery

Scientific research shows that repeated use of alcohol, drugs, nicotine, or gambling can alter brain function, particularly in areas responsible for self-control. This explains why quitting can be difficult, even when the desire to stop is strong. However, effective treatments exist, and recovery is possible with the right support.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution—successful treatment must be individualized based on personal needs and clinical assessment. Some individuals can moderate their use, while others may require complete abstinence.

Treatment and Support Options

Recovery plans may include one or more of the following:

  • Detoxification (when medically necessary)
  • Individual counseling and cognitive behavioral therapy
  • FDA-approved medications for substance use disorders
  • Support for co-occurring conditions such as anxiety, depression, or trauma
  • Mutual support groups (Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous, Nicotine Anonymous)
  • Intensive outpatient or inpatient treatment

How FEAP Can Help

FEAP’s experienced counselors provide confidential, personalized support to help employees and their families navigate treatment options. Whether you need assistance for your own substance use, gambling, or tobacco cessation—or support as someone affected by a loved one’s addiction—FEAP is here to help.

Contact FEAP for confidential telephonic or in-person counseling. Consultants are available during work hours and for urgent needs during nights, weekends, and holidays.

Helpful Videos

  • Recovery Ally Training 2020

    A Recovery Ally is someone who supports individuals in recovery, advocates for them, and educates themselves on addiction, stigma, and available resources. This introductory Recovery Ally Training helps build a more supportive community by increasing recovery awareness, reducing stigma, and enhancing intervention skills for staff.

  • Providing Support to Someone Struggling with Substance Use

    In this webinar, you will: -Recognize signs and symptoms of substance use -Discover 7 strategies for cutting down -Learn 7 tips to support someone struggling with substance use -Understand the difference between supporting vs. enabling -Gain knowledge on helping a loved one access care

  • Understanding Substance Abuse in the Workplace

    Good video for managers and employees to understand on substance abuse in the workplace

    Watch Video

Helpful Organizations

Local Organizations

National Organizations

Fellowship Meetings

Family Fellowship

Education Material


  • Rewired: A Bold New Approach To Addiction and Recovery
  • The Heart of Recovery, Doug Bopst
  • Codependent No More

Trauma Events or History of Trauma

Trauma can be experienced directly or vicariously. Events such as sexual or physical assault, racial bias or discrimination, or witnessing a horrific event can significantly impact our brain, emotional well-being, and ability to function.

FEAP offers trauma-informed assessments and short-term counseling services for employees navigating immediate crises or historical trauma that actively affect daily life.

Traumatic stress is a natural response to abnormal events. For many, symptoms may persist for several days or weeks before gradually subsiding. However, some individuals benefit from professional support to aid in the healing process.

While trauma affects everyone differently, here are some common symptoms:

  • Inability to recall parts of the traumatic event
  • Intrusive, upsetting memories of the event
  • Flashbacks (feeling as if the event is happening again)
  • Irritability or sudden outbursts of anger
  • Hypervigilance (being constantly on alert)
  • Difficulty falling or staying asleep
  • Nightmares
  • Intense distress when reminded of the trauma
  • Physical reactions (pounding heart, sweating, or nausea)
  • Avoidance of trauma-associated activities, places, or thoughts
  • Feeling emotionally numb

FEAP trauma services provide education about natural trauma responses, foster resilience, and encourage healthy coping strategies. Recognizing and addressing symptoms early can make recovery more manageable. Our trauma services focus on stabilization and healing while connecting individuals to community resources and practices that can help transform their journey from surviving to thriving.